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To you, it’s just a job rec. To prospects, it’s a life change. #recruiting

If I asked you to move to another country, but didn’t explain the visa process to you, you’d walk away. If I asked you to move to another…

Hiring someone is easy. Hiring talent is much harder.

The world is filled with people who just want to hit the apply button and move on, barely registering what company they just applied with. Do you really…

Job descriptions are simply not enough #recruiting

Have you read your job descriptions lately? Or anyone’s job descriptions? Generally, they are obtuse, vague texts more concerned with listing job requirements than actually explaining what the…

Employer Branding: An Interview with Elizabeth Denson

In our first Meshworking podcast, we interview employer brand consultant Elizabeth Denson and have an interesting conversation about what an employer brand is and isn’t, uncovering the difference…

The Recruiter’s Guide to Inbound Marketing

Over at, Matthew Kosinski interviewed Meshworking’s James Ellis about new data and insights surrounding the changing world of recruiting: So it makes sense that job seekers are…


Employer Brand: No One Knows You’re Superman, Clark

Super hero comics and movies are often predicated on a simple idea: that the super hero has a secret identity no one knows about. While the world may…

Attracting Top Talent: Only A Fool Competes On Price

Over at ZoomForth’s blog, we posted about how competing on salary is a fool’s errand: Establishing meaningful value for the candidate will trump high salaries more often than…

Here’s Proof That Content Will Bring You The Most Important Job Applicants

From our post in Content is far more effective at encouraging applications for those with the most experience and helps entry-level applicants self-select out of the process….

content impact index

Measuring the ROI of Content: The Content Impact Index

TL;DR: The impact content has on encouraging prospects to apply is actually measurable, giving you a chance to show exactly how powerful and valuable your recruiting content is….


What Content Do You Need To Recruit?

Obviously, your job descriptions – those 550-word jargon-rich and meaning-light blurbs – are not getting the job done. You can’t convince anyone who might be at all selective…

Your Prospects Don’t Trust You

I would bet that you are an honest and forthright person. You don’t cheat at Monopoly, you pay your taxes on time, you’re a decent tipper, you don’t…

Twitter Super Powers for Talent Acquisition

Are You Tweeting Your Potential Employees Away? There’s no denying that I love Twitter. And I know a lot of you do, too. With 284 million registered users,…

4 Digital Mistakes Made by Recruiting Marketers

Mistake #1: Focusing on their social media audience size Have you bragged about how big your social media audience is lately? Maybe you’ve hit a nice milestone, like…

Yes, Content Can Save Job Descriptions

Job descriptions, those horribly written, barely comprehensible strings of roughly 500 words of stuff that only barely resembles reality if you squint hard, are the coin of the…

Should Marketing Own Your Career Site?

Two years ago, I applied for a job at a very well-known retail company. I was applying for some web or marketing job, and I had to run…

The Magnifying Glass Strategy

Focusing on certain areas does not have to detract from others in your content strategy. I love talking content strategy, especially within the context of the larger talent…

Getting Prospects to Decide

Build Your Career Site Around What Really Motivates Prospects’ Decisions When someone goes on to your career site, they are thinking about making a decision. That decision you think they…

Five Rules to Make Your Promoted Facebook Post Matter More

By now you know that in order to reach anyone on Facebook, you need to open up your wallet. Whether it’s people in your fan base, or people…

The End of Social Media in Talent Acquisition?

In The Usual Suspects, Kevin Spacey has a line that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was making us think he isn’t real. Well, the greatest trick…

Your Last Talent Acquisition Dollar

It’s the end of the year and that means that if you aren’t thinking about the tactics for next year, you’re definitely reviewing the past year to see…

Content Marketing Predictions for Talent Acquisition in 2015

“2015 is the year content subsumes marketing and brands realize that content is the atomic particle of every aspect of marketing.”– Shane Snow, Contently It’s old hat to…

Content: More Ways to Attract and Engage Candidates

Most career sites cater to the low-hanging fruit: candidates who were going to apply already. They hope branded searches, job boards and ads are enough to draw in…

Influencer Marketing for Talent Acquisition

What’s Your Strategy to Engage Your Influencers? It’s the end of the year. Maybe you are taking a look around at all the work that you and your team…

Get More Applications from One Ad

Sometimes, we get a little abstract on this blog. A little ethereal. Even a little theoretical. Not today. Today, we get simple. Really simple. Right now, you have…

‘Would You Rather?’ The Game that Talent Acquisition Plays Every Day

“Would you rather?” is the ultimate car ride game. If you’ve never played before, it works like this: One person dares another to choose between two equally horrible…

The Difference Between SEO and PPC/SEM: A Military Approach

In order to attract valuable, on-target views of your job postings, you spend a lot of time and money on talent acquisition tactics. Primarily among these tactics are…

Recycle Your Content

Take a moment and think about it: You are spending a lot of time and money preparing, strategizing and executing some sort of social media plan for your…

Measuring Social Media in Talent Acquisition

This is one of those “Good news, bad news” situations The bad news first: there is no single number that confirms your social media’s ROI or denies it….

The Six Problems Content Solves for Talent Acquisition

I’ve always been a big fan of content. It keeps me informed. It gives me something to do on the train. It keeps me paying for cable. And…

Seeing the Whole Picture of Digital Talent Acquisition

We spend so much of our time dwelling in the details, and in the tactics of getting our job, that sometimes we lose sight of the big picture….

The Difference Between Paid Media and Content Strategy

Focusing on a pay-per-click strategy is the fastest way to grow awareness to your brand and traffic to your site. But, like a sugar fix, doesn’t have long-lasting…

Where Do Loyal Employees Come From?

If you have two candidates you could potentially give a job offer to, and they are similar in experience, age, maturity and education, is there some factor that would suggest that one candidate is more likely to stay longer than the other? 

The Talent Acquisition Gym

The best digital talent acquisition tactics aren’t achieved once, they need to be repeated over and over. You don’t get fit exercizing once, you get strong and powerful going to the gym over and over. Welcome to the talent acquisition gym!

The Gap

There’s a vast gap, and it is lowering the percentage of people who accept your job offers. The gap? The gap between what you tell a prospect and…